Blessing of New Convent in Runzewe


On the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 7, 
the new convent of the Sacred Heart Community in Majengo / Runzewe 
was opened and blessed.

Our community belonging to Ndanda Priory stayed in Kabuhima / Runzewe since 2009 
in the house of the parish.
As the place became increasingly too small and busy, 
the sisters could with the generous help of benefactors 
acquire a plot and build a new convent, 
which is more conducive for our Missionary Benedictine life.

The celebration started with the blessing of the water by Bishop Christopher Ndizeye of Kahama

followed by the blessing of the new convent.

The solemn holy mass was celebrated with the participation of 
many priests, religious and faithful of the region and beyond.

Also, former prioress Sr. Terese Zemale could participate  
together with the present prioress Sr. Raphaela Mlwilo.

At the end of the celebration
many gifts were brought forward, which will help to furnish the new convent.

They were received by the prioress Sr. Raphaela Mlwilo and superior Sr. Yusta Sanga with much joy.

We thank God and all those, 
who helped to make this dream a reality!

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