The Mission Procure
The general mission procure, or simply mission procure, functions as a bridge within our international congregation.The congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters developed from Tutzing in Upper Bavaria. Today, more than 1300 sisters of 26 different nationalities are living and working on four continents, in 18 countries.
As a point of contact to the sisters and to the churches all over the world, many tasks are coming up to the mission procure.
These are not only about financial support, but also about encounters and contacts across the globe.
The sisters and co-workers in the mission procure desire to share the treasures and the needs of the young churches here in Germany, to raise awareness for the missionary co-responsibility of all Christians and to strengthen their commitment.
Thus the mission procure is able by its work to offer a modest contribution towards a worldwide witness to the care of God for all people and his real closeness in Jesus Christ.
Each Donation is appreciated!
Our Address and Bank Account:
General Mission Procure
Benediktenweg 5
82327 Tutzing, GERMANY
Tel.: 0049 8158 90710-0
Fax: 0049 8158 90710-30
Missions-Prokura Tutzing
Kreissparkasse München - Starnberg
Account No.
IBAN: DE72 7025 0150 0430 5709 86
Support for the Disabled,
the Old, Women
& Migrant Workers
Old Woman affected by Leprosy in Tanzania
Building Project for the Poor
Caring for poor Children in Brasil
Care for Children in the Slums
Chesongoch in Kenya
Mission General
Emergency relief
Hospital in Uwemba Tanzania
Health Center in Endo Kenya
Care for Children affected by HIVAIDS
Food against Malnutrition
Victims of Natural Disasters
Support Communities
Training Young Women in Tanzania
Aid for the Victims of Typhoon Yolanda Philippine
Health Center in Jinja Uganda
Many Candidates for Religious Life need further Studies
Lager for Children and Youth in Bulgaria
Help for Liundu in Tanzania
| LIUNDU AREA Need for Eduaction and Clean Water near Ndanda / Tanzania
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| Liundu is about 12 kilometers from Ndanda. There are four villages which we have visited and seen their situation. They lack souces of clean water, education for small children who cannot walk far away from home, and health facilities. The Government services have not yet reached them.
Need for Eduaction
During our visit to the area we realized that the parents now see the need for their children to go to School and are open to take some steps towards self help instead of waiting till the Government will reach them with services. With local contributions in kind and in labour, they had managed to build two small classrooms in one of the villages. Here a few children sitting on stones on the ground, writing with a stick in the dust, were learning as Kindergarten and Elementary School Class One. There is only one lady teacher for both groups of children, taking in the morning the little ones for some hours first and then taking the older ones. I was touched by their efforts and promised them help. With a little financial assistance, the sisters helped to buy cement and organize with them to cement the floor of the two Classrooms as well as the floor of the two toilets they have built. As there is scarcity of water in the place, the toilets are deep holes which we call here "pit latrines". They are effective in those circumstances. With a cemented floor they are easy to keep clean. We have advised them to look forward to next year when more children will surely want to join this beginning School! The present chilren should be able to move to another Classroom so that the new ones come into the present two classrooms! The teacher is also asking for assistance to buy some teaching materials. Therefore we will need to continue supporting their efforts in thinking, planning and in carrying out their plans. They have requested that our convent driver whom we send to them often with messages for them, be part of their village planning meetings.

The children with their teacher Two rooms poor school at Liundu; with one teacher; she takes a few little children for Kindergarten first and then she takes the bigger children for some hours too. The children sitting on the ground on stones and writing in the dust. Last month we paid for them to make a cement floor and walls. We encourage them to build two more rooms to be ready for January 2018 in order to take more children ad make room for them.
 The Sisters of Ndanda Priory supporting the school Need for Sources of Clean Water In February some of our Sisters visited the people in those villages. We knew that the villagers suffer from lack of water and that they go far away to fetch water for the needs of their families but we were shocked to find the situation of the people worse than we expected. We discovered that the people in Liundu villages suffer not only from going far to look for water, but also from many deseases caused by bathing, drinking and cooking with poluted water. So we were looking for underground water. We have already done a survey with a water drilling company from Mtwara and they found water in several places, including one in the plot of the adjecent plot of a neighbouring plot belonging to a villager. So our goal is eventually to drill for bore hole water for our farming purposes and also to make clean water available to the villagers for use of their families, especially for drinking. It will take long to realize this. Meantime we have decided to take water in a 14 liter water tank lorry for the people from time to time.

If you want to help us to support the area of Liundu in its development, your donation is most welcome! | |
Support Social Center
in Olinda / Brazil.
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| Description of the Project The Social Center Mizael Montenegro Filho was started on October 19, 1962 and is since then maintained by the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, Priory of Olinda, Brazil. The Mission of the Center is to help the disadvantaged people to reflect, and apply in a participatory way, socio pedagogic alternatives to assist and accompany children, adolescents, the elderly and families in general. For the transformations of the society in the context of the city of Olinda-PE, the Center undertakes social actions marked by effective participation of the citizens, in order to find together the means to meet the immediate needs: Housing and Health education. Many of our children and adolescents are living in precarious situations daily confronted with trafficking and use of drugs, consumption of alcohol, and thefts. Therefore many of them have a family member in prison. The project works from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Monday-Friday, assists children (6 to 13 years of age-71 children) and is supported through donations from our own communities collaborating for the payment of 4 teachers, a psychologist, two general service assistants, one night watchmen and a driver as well as social obligations. Some people of the parish community help financially with the maintenance of the building (bill payments of electricity, water, telephone and other expenses). Given the great demand we increased this year the number, rising from 65 in 2016 to 71 this year of 2017. We have a list of 35 children aged 6 to 11 years, in the hope that a vacancy arises. Unfortunately, in spite of the Center having a large physical area with capacity for up to 200 children, distributed in two shifts, we are unable because of the financial burden. We have a payroll of R $9,000.00 thousand dollars per month, which is paid by the home of the Priory, the aid received is insufficient to meet all the needs. On the challenges of today and of the economic and political crisis in the Brazil, it has been very difficult to keep the project with a quality care according to the needs of children and their families. All services offered in order to keep children in educational activities and accompanied by educators are offered free of charge. Right now our greatest need is financial aid so that we can pay employees, increase the hours of work of teachers and consequently enlarge the project, increasing the number of workshops, and getting more children, according to the needs and requests of the same. We present to you the LIFE and citizenship PROJECT, in which we expose our goal, our needs and Expenditure forecast, justifying the request for financial assistance for the maintenance and continuity of the enlargement Project.
General Objective: Continue the service for children and adolescents increasing the number of slots, serving children in the morning, picking up the many requests, reaching more families. Needs: a) LACK FINANCIAL CONDITIONS to KEEP the TEACHERS in TWO SHIFTS and increase the number of WORKSHOPS in the AFTERNOON. b) FEW WORKSHOPS for the large number of CHILDREN, the GROUPS MAKE NUMEROUS for the tasks which makes it difficult to CARRY OUT the SAME  

CENTRO SOCIAL MIZAEL MONTENEGRO FILHO Rua Catarina Batista de Alencar, 791 Casa Caiada - Olinda - Pernambuco CEP. 53130-020 Telefone (081) 30116403 C.G.C. 10.579.324/0016-66 Dirigido pelas Beneditinas Missionárias
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Each Donation is appreciated!
Our Address and Bank Account:
General Mission Procure
Benediktenweg 5
82327 Tutzing, GERMANY
Tel.: 0049 8158 90710-0
Fax: 0049 8158 90710-30
Missions-Prokura Tutzing
Kreissparkasse München - Starnberg
Account No.
IBAN: DE72 7025 0150 0430 5709 86