IWE 2023 "Gratitude for 36 blessed days in Rome"

 On April 20 the International Weeks of Encounter began the opening mass, liturgy and 
opening conference by M. Maoro. 

She described this program as "a very precious opportunity for you now to learn and experience our intercultural living and to strengthen our charism through sharing, inputs, living together, praying together with the Eucharist and divine office, meal, mutual services, pilgrimages etc."

Our first pilgrimage brought us to Campo Santo Teutonico,
area of the former Circus of Nero, where many of the first Christians gave their lives for their faith,
among them Peter, the apostle.

It was here, where our first sisters made their profession before continuing their journey to former German East Africa, now Tanzania.
Therefore, also we renewed our profession in front of the altar.

Through the sharing of her deep knowledge of the Rule of St. Benedict Sr. Aquinata Böckmann led us to a deeper understanding of our spiritual and community life.

Hearing about the world of St. Benedict, the political situation, culture and customs of the time, he became almost tangible for us.

"Rome is the heart of our universal church. If you open your eyes and mind, you will experience 
how actively the church is moving here in Rome. 
As a consecrated woman, we think with the church “Sentire cum Ecclesia” (Vita Consecrata 46). 
I wish that you may feel this synodal church during your stay here in Rome 
and that your love for the church be increased.
(from the Opening ConferenceM. Maoro)

It was a special experience to meet Pope Francis and experience the truly global Catholic Church...

...and we being part of it.

In our garden

"Now the whole church is walking together in synodal journey. I wish that you will experience communion, participation and mission through mutual listening and respect in synodal way."
(from the Opening Conference M. Maoro)

Yes, it was a walking together in the truest sense,
through the ways and streets of Rome,
through the program,
coming closer to each other
and to God.

We could break boundaries of differences in character, language, culture...

...and become one.

The beauty of Christian art helped us to get a sense of God, the eternal beauty.

We were reminded throughout:
You are standing on holy ground, 
where the saints and martyrs gave their life for the love of God until death. 

We were touched by the life of St. Cecilia, as we visited the church
built on the place of her house and martyrdom.

“We are called to be holy by living our lives with love and bearing witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves… Let everything be open to God, turn to him in every situation”. 
(Gaudete et Exultate 14,15) 

Surely, we could not miss to visit the cradle of Benedictine life,
the sacred cave of Subiaco, where St. Benedict spent 3 years in prayer and solitude,...

to pray, where he prayed.

We visited Monte Cassino, where the Rule of St. Benedict was written,
where Benedict died and was laid to rest,
where Benedictine life persevered through the centuries
in spite of threats from inside and outside.

The view is magnificent from this place, which is built like a city on a mountain top.

To be here and touch the ground strengthened us in our identity as Benedictines.

After our many pilgrimages to different place, 
it was always good to come home together.

Another highlight was the day spent in Assisi,
the town of St. Francis and St. Clare.

We could celebrate holy mass in Porziuncula,
the place, where the first Franciscan community lived
and where St. Francis died.

We visited the different places, among them St. Damian
and enjoyed the beautiful nature around.

We visited the catacombs of St. Callixtus,...

walked the ways, which St. Peter and Paul walked...

...visited the Basilica St. Paul outside the walls,
where the remains of St. Paul ere buried after his martyrdom,...

...and the place of his martyrdom Tre Fontane.

It truly was "a very precious opportunity ... to learn and experience our intercultural living and to strengthen our charism through sharing, inputs, living together, praying together with the Eucharist and divine office, meal, mutual services, pilgrimages etc"
(cf. Opening Conference of M. Maoro)

Through this time of Renewal and Encounter “you are firmly bound to the Congregation wherever you are sent and we are strengthened in the fulfillment of our common task” (Our Constitutions .14). 
(Closing Remark M. Maoro)

May our Lord lead each one of you to recognize his call for holiness during your IWE journey so that you will be enabled to serve others according to God’s plan of salvation.  (Our Constitutions , 1).
Opening Conference M. Maoro

The IWE is not yet finished, you will continue your journey together to touch the roots of our Congregation in Tutzing, our motherhouse and in St. Ottilien. Even though you leave our Generalate house in Rome, someday, somewhere, we will meet again.  We will now be united in spiritual bond because we have known each other not only by name but in living interculturally.
Closing Remark M. Maoro

We had to say good-bye early in the morning of Friday May 26.

We wish a grace-filled time in Tutzing...

and may God bless your life's journey!

Different yet one...
The way of Jesus ...to walk united with our differences...

was the theme of our last General Chapter.

Through this International Weeks of Encounter it became our experience.

We were strangers to each other, when we met first...

and became friends bridging barriers of language, culture, backgrounds,

while we walked together the ways the Saints had treaded.

Thank you, Lord, for this deep experience of unity in diversity!

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