Palm Sunday

Hosanna to the Son of David,
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,
the King of Israel.

With the whole Church we remembered today the solemn entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem.

With this we opened the Holy Week,
the week to remember and relive the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The paschal mystery is the center of our Christian faith. 

We know that Jesus went through suffering and death ahead of us, 
that even when we experience darkness and death, we are not alone.

Like Mary, His mother, we want to go with Jesus through suffering and death
that we will be with Him also in His resurrection.

Almighty ever-living God,
sanctify these branches with your blessing,
that we, who follow Christ the King in exultation,
may reach the eternal Jerusalem through him,
who lives and reigns for ever and ever. 

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