Welcome IJP 2023

In March, the new group of the International Juniorate Programme 2023 arrived.

They are: Sr. Neema Adyuti Mkolokoti (Ndanda), Sr. Faustina Paulo Kadinde (Ndanda), Sr. Mary James Korbinian (Windhoek), Sr. Laura Ann Haschke (Norfolk), Sr. Michaela Fifa kavira Sivilondire (Nairobi), Sr. Mary Thomas Mbate (Peramiho), Sr. Renária Henrique Avelino (Olinda), Sr. Isabella (Chance) Kyakimwa (Jinja) and Sr. Maria Caritas Flor (Manila)

On March 26 during midday prayer, we had a short rite to welcome them in our community.

They received candles in their hands and were blessed by the whole community.

May it be for them a joyful time, 
a time of growth and deepening of their Missionary Benedictine vocation.

Welcome in our midst!

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