JPIC-Work in Olinda Priory

 "We can all cooperate as God's instruments for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvement and talents" (Laudato Si' 14).  With this motivation, Sr. Glória, Sr. Karla, Sr. Maria, Sr. Macionila, Sr. Rita Maria, Sr. Marineide and Sr. Maria Inez, Laudato SI Animators of the Priory of Olinda, since the Priory Assembly in 2022 , intensify meetings in order to systematize actions in their respective communities.  In this way, we witness that All is interconnected and we work for the integrity of creation.

On March 22, World Water Day, we invited Professor Manolo, a specialist on Sustainability,  to our Colégio Imaculado, to talk about the importance of the natural asset Water to raise awareness among our students.

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