In the Casa Community in Rome we are gifted with a big garden, which serves us as a place of relaxation, to find peace while listening to the many birds, to pray in the silence and lend our ear to the tiny whispering sound (1 King 19:12), to encounter God.

We follow human's first vocation, to cultivate and care for the garden given to us. In doing so we can observe and learn from the process of growth.

On March 3, on one of the beautiful spring days, we sowed the seed into the ploughed field.

We sow with hope in growth, which is not in our hands. We can only take care, water, observe in patience, wait.
Yet, God will never disappoint those, who trust in Him.
He loves to give in abundance.

4 months of waiting...


With the noursihment of the soil and the light of the sky and our labour
it grows little by little without noticing it.
It now gives us joy and food.

We continue to sow our seeds of prayer.
God will never abandon those who trust in Him!

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