The Leadership of our Congregation: St. Ottilien to Casa Santo Spirito in ROME, Italy

   The Leadership of the Congregation:

From St. Ottilien to Casa Santo Spirito / Rome


 1894, in napoli
Mother Birgitta Korff

Mother Birgitta Korff

was elected 1895, first as prioress of the motherhouse, that time in St. Ottilien / Germany.

Gradually Abbot Ildefons Schober, superior general of the men's and women's Congregation of St. Ottilien, guided the communities toward cooperation with juridical independence. Thus, M. Birgitta assumed more and more the responsibility as superior general.

On Christmas Eve 1895, our Mother Birgitta Korff arrived in St. Ottilien from Lukuledi Mission in German East Africa [Tanzania today], having been elected prioress of the motherhouse. She brought with her the experience of the life in the new mission field in Africa. Under her leadership the sisters' congregation spread out to three continent.


During World War I (1914-1918) about 70 sisters served as nurses in Eastern and Western Europe and also in distant Mesopotamia [Iraq today].

Generalate House- Motherhouse in Tutzing [1904-1953] 

Tutzing with lake Starnberg and Alps

Since 1904, the prioress general and councilors resided in the new motherhouse at Tutzing. The general chapters of 1927 and 1933 were held there.

General Chapter 1933 Tutzing 1-24 August 

In 1941 the Hitler regime confiscated our motherhouse; it was used for a youth program, then transformed into a military hospital.


General Chapter 1947, Fribourg Swiss

Our general chapter of 1947 was held in neutral Switzerland.

Space in the motherhouse was limited because the hospital was retained. Pope Pius XII desired generalates of international congregations to be near Rome, and we Missionary Benedictine Sisters were becoming more international.

Pope Pius XII, who led the Catholic Church from 1939 to 1958, is pictured in this undated photo at the Vatican. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) 



General Chapter 1957 Grottaferrata Italia

General Chapter 1967 Grottaferrata Italia

in September of 1953, the generalate members moved to Via dei colli 4, Grottaferrata, South of Rome, The 1957 and 1967 general chapters were held at the Casa Santo Spirito in Grottaferrata, but the Casa at Grottaferrata could not accommodate the increasing number of general chapter members of 1970.

Construction of the Generalate House (Casa Santo Spirito) in Rome

By 1970 the new, larger Casa Santo Spirito building, on spacious grounds at Via dei Bevilacqua 60, near Stazione Aurelia and the western portion of Rome's Raccordo Annulare (ring road) was ready for the 1970 general chapter.

Since 1970, our general chapters have been held at the Casa Santo Spirito regularly at six-year intervals.


Five former Prioresses General (1994)

Mother Maria Lucas Rauch, OSB (+ 2005), Mother Gertrud Link, OSB (+ 1999), Mother Edeltrud Weist, OSB (+ 2012), and Mother Irene Dabalus, OSB Mother Angela Strobel, OSB


Mother M. Maoro Sye, OSB Prioress General since 2018

 in our Chapel

First of all our chapel is a place of prayer, personal and communal, bringing to the Father the whole of creation.

A place of celebrating the liturgy as community

Prayer and Liturgy accompany us through our life, from Baptism to our Death.

 Requiem of Sr. Ancilla Casoni

As a Benedictine Community we celebrate Profession and Jubilees and receive Oblates.


Renewal of Profession

Final Profession



Jubilees of Profession

As the Generalate House of an international Congregation we send from here sisters to the whole world.

Between them, the ample space was well utilized:

We invite sisters and guests to stay and pray with us.

Retreat / Renewal Programs


International Weeks of Encounter,

Visit of Church Authorities


Prioresses' Meetings

Prioresses' Meeting 2017

International Formators' Meeting


ITM 2005

Meeting of Benedictine Women

International Juniorate Program

Guest House Ministry

Serving guests and sisters on home leave/vacation challenges sisters of the community (international now, like the generalate) cheerfully to contribute extra hours in offering true Benedictine hospitality.

We praise the Lord at the Liturgy of the Hours with chants in Latin and Italian, and songs in our many languages at the Eucharist.

We keep improving our communication skills patiently, thereby also giving witness to guests that persons from diverse nations and races can live together in peace as we joyfully follow Jesus.


That in all things God may be glorified!

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