Pope’s prayer intention for July: Social friendship


In his video message on the prayer intention for July 2021, Pope Francis urges “that in social, economic and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship”, against polarization and populism.

In the month of July, the Holy Father calls on all to become “architects of dialogue and friendship” to solve the conflicts and causes of division that exist in society and among individual people. Only through dialogue, he says, is it possible to avoid the constant polarization and social enmity that destroy so many relationships.

The Holy Father asks that we pray to construct the common good with men and women who extend a hand to each other, and especially to always be at the side of the “most impoverished and vulnerable, those on the peripheries”.

Dialogue is the path to seeing reality in a new way, so we can live with passion the challenges we face in constructing the common good. 

Let us pray that, in social, economic, and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship, men and women who always hold out a helping hand, and may no spaces of enmity and war remain.

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