First Profession in Olinda

 On September 21 Novice Patrícia Avelino da Silva made her first profession in the church of Our Lady of Mercy in Olinda, the seat of the priory house. 

She read her profession card in front of the celebrants and the assembly 
promising to follow Christ in religious community,
to persevere in the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing and
to live in obedience according to the Rule of St. Benedict and our Constitutions.

She signed the card on the altar.

She surrendered to God with the prayer and song of our profession:
Suscipe me Domine - Uphold me Lord

Now she received the new habit by subprioress Sr. Maria Cicera dos Santos Feitosa
assisted by the novice directress Sr. Karla Mirella do Nascimento.

Dressed in the habit as sister she presented the profession card to the assembly.

From now on she will be called Sr. Patrícia Avelino da Silva.

Congratulations and may God always uphold you!

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