XIV General Chapter Opened


On September 24, the XIV General Chapter was opened at Casa Santo Spirito in Rome.

The Opening Mass was presided over by the newly elected Abbot Primate Jeremias Schröder, OSB with the concelebration of Fr. Javier Aparicio, OSB. In his homily Abbot Primate spoke to us about the need for forgiveness and reconciliation always and in particular at the beginning of a General Chapter. He encouraged us not to have everything planned, but to leave room for the Holy Spirit to surprise us.

For the opening liturgy of the chapter, all delegates processed into the chapter hall holding candles in their hands, ready to be ignited. It was a sacred moment, when all our candles were lit. We felt that we are all called to rekindle the gift of God, which is: Love, Enthusiasm, Grace, Confidence, Self-Control, Mercy, Courage, Peace, Renewed Zeal, Do not be ashamed, Prayer Life, Faith, Bear Witness, Bring Life.

In her opening conference, M. Maoro encouraged us "If we want to rekindle God’s gift, we also need intense conversion or transformation. Through us in this General Chapter the call is to trust the power of the Holy Spirit...May the Holy Spirit enlighten us to take the paths that will lead to synodal, missionary, prophetic communities, capable of generating new life around us. Surrendering ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit we move forward as pilgrims of hope with joy." After thanking the Preparatory Commission "for their diligent preparatory work for the last 4 months" she declared the XIV General Chapter opened.

On September 25, Sr. Maria Cimperman, RSCJ was invited as speaker. During the conference in the morning she ensured us that it would not be just coincidence that during the same time of our General Chapter the Church is meeting in the Second Session of the Synod to learn how to go forward as Church. She shared of her experience being part in the First Session of the Synod and involved in the preparation for the Second Session. In the afternoon she led us to do Conversation in the Spirit in small groups about the question: What does the Church and the World need from the Missionary Benedictine Sisters?

On the evening of the same day the delegates started their 5 day-retreat guided by Fr. David Glenday. Every afternoon delegates are meeting for spiritual sharing.

Retreat days will be followed by the giving of reports from October 1 -3. 

Please continue to pray that the Holy Spirit 

may be the guide throughout the whole chapter!

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