Tanzania Mission Renewal Program


On June 30, the Tanzania Mission Renwal Program started with 23 participants from all 12 priories.
The theme for the program is:
In the Footsteps of our Pioneers;
Reclaiming our Missionary Zeal

They met in the center of the Tanzanian Episcopal Conference in Dar es Salaam,
where they received the online opening conference by M. Maoro Sye from Rome,
followed by mass in the center.

On July 1, they visited Pugu, the first mission station of our sisters 
opened in 1888 and destroyed in 1889.

in the bus going to Pugu

in Pugu

The Benedictine monks warmly welcomed them, led by Fr. Baltazar A. Minde, OSB, who recounted the foundation history of the Benedictine mission.

On July 2, the group visited St. Joseph Cathedral in Dar es Salaam in the morning and Msimbazi cemetery with former Santa Maria Convent in the afternoon.

In Msimbazi many of our early missionaries, who mostly died in a young age due to malaria and other sicknesses, are buried.

July 3 was spent in prayer and silence to reflect on all the experiences. 
An orientation on the history of our missionaries in Tosamaganga was given, 
the place, which was visited on the following day.

In Tosamaganga July 4

On July 5, the group left early to attend holy mass in Njombe and from there to continue to Uwemba.
There after being welcomed by all the sisters and the hospital staff, they could see the vocational school and the hospital facilities.

Vocational Training School in Uwemba

The highlight of the lovingly prepared lunch was cake in the form of a bible, which was ceremoniously cut by sisters from the different priories.

From there they left to Peramiho, where they were welcomed by the entire community together with nursing students and novitiate members. 

The following day, July 6, M. Bernarda Hyera formally welcomed the group in the chapter room and entrusted them to the team for the house tour.

The three prioresses: 
M. Bernarda Hyera of Peramiho, M. Rosa Pascal of Nairobi and M. Raphaela Mlwilo of Ndanda

July 7 was a day for recollection with a profound conference on Intercultural Living given by Sr. Terese Zemale and some guide questions.

in Peramiho

On July 8 the group could visit the different places in Peramiho like the Peramiho Girls' Secondary School and the St. Augustine Major Seminary.
An orientation was given for the visits of the next day.

On July 9, the renewalists left at 5 am for Nangombo, one of our former mission stations in the diocese of Mbinga. 
On the way they greeted the Bishop of Mbinga Rt. Rev. John Ndimbo, who offered them breakfast.

in Mbinga with Bishop John Ndimbo

In Nangombo they were welcomed by the parishioners and the Benedictine Sisters of St. Agnes Chipole, who are now taking care of the place. Holy Mass was offered for five sisters of our Congregation who were buried in Mbinga diocese and Kigonsera.

Prayer at the tomb of Sr. Sabina Schütte in Nangombo

Old Sisters' Convent in Nangombo, now used by the Chipole Sisters

On July 10, Fr. Ignatius Mwaba shared with them the history of the Chiperamiho hill,
where Peramiho mission begun under the leadership of Fr. Cassian Spiss,
who later bacame the first Bishop of Dar es Salaam.

Bishop Cassian Shrine at Chiperamiho

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