PrepCo starts Work

On June 3, the Preparatory Commission for the XIV General Chapter started its work 
in the Casa Santo Spirito in Rome. 

They were introduced to their task by M. Maoro Sye and Sr. Vania Maria Toscano,
who will be for them the contact person to the Generalate.

They are from left to right:
Sr. Adelaida Ygrubay from Manila Priory, Sr. Madalena Mendonça from Olinda Priory, 
Sr. Marie Bernadette Kithuka from Nairobi Priory, Sr. Terra An from Seoul Priory 
and Sr. Marie-Therese Brodmann from Tutzing Priory.

We ask God that He may inspire them with His Spirit,
that their hearts may be filled with wisdom and joy
as they prepare for our XIV General Chapter.

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