First and Final Profession in Olinda

 On December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Olinda Priory could celebrate the final profession of Sr. Isabela Barbosa do Anjo and first profession of Novice Maria Helen Rodrigues das Neves, now Sr. Maria Hellen.

Novice Maria Helen reads her profession card promising faithfulness for three years...

...and signs it on the altar.

She receives the religious habit from her prioress M. Madalena Mendonça.

From now on she is called Sr. Maria Hellen.

Sr. Isabela reads her profession card promising faithfulness for her whole life...

...and signs it on the altar.

She prostrates herself in front of the altar as a sign of surrender, 
while the faithful assembled pray the litany of the saints.

After the eucharistic celebration, the feast is continued in the refectory.

and may God always uphold you
according to His promise!

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