100 Years Presence of MBS in USA

On July 31, 1923, Sisters Diemud Gerber, Ludovika Kohler, Iniga Endres, and Soteris Spieler arrived in the German farming village of Raeville, Nebraska, to begin the new foundation of Missionary Benedictine Sisters in the USA.

A mass of thanksgiving was held in Raeville on July 30.

Thanksgiving Mass in Raeville July 30:
More than 400 faithful assembled to celebrate together with our sisters 100 years presence of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters in the USA.

Entrance Procession with African Sisters

A group of sisters sang the Ave Maria composed by Sr. Diemud Gerber

Archbishop George J. Lucas of Omaha
with Sr. Rosann Ocken, OSB, Prioress of Norfolk

Sr. Rosann gave to Fr. John Norman, parish priest of Raeville 

this beautiful image of Our Lady in gratitude for the welcoming of the centennial event.

Group photo with the main celebrant Archbishop George J. Lucas and concelebrants, among them Abbot Joel Macul, OSB of the Abbey of Newton, together with Sr. Rosann Ocken, prioress of Norfolk, Sr. Vania Maria Toscano, General Councillor, representing the Generalate and Sr. Ruth Schönenberger, former prioress of Tutzing, representing Tutzing Priory.

After the Holy Mass, lunch was offered in the parish hall.

We thank God for His rich blessings, and
may He continue to bless the presence of  our sisters in Norfolk Priory!

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