IWE continued in Tutzing

  On May 26, the participants of the International Weeks of Encounter left Rome to Tutzing to see and experience the places of origin of our Congregation, the Motherhouse in Tutzing and St. Ottilien.

They were well received by the Motherhouse Community. After an introduction and house tour, they visited already on Saturday May 27 Haus St. Benedikt, the house of the retired missionaries.

It was so good to meet again after many years and to get to know each other.

On Pentecost Sunday the sisters participated actively in the Holy Mass of the parish St. Joseph in Tutzing making the Holy Spirit palpable, who unites people of different cultures and backgrounds.

They shared their own experiences of Church from their local context...

and enriched the liturgy with an offertory dance.

On Monday they visited the community in Bernried.

Meeting with the Bernried Community

Holy Mass in Bernried

The trip back to Tutzing was by ship on Lake Starnberg.

On several evenings supper was served outside together with the motherhouse community.
It was a chance to get to know each other better and share cultural expressions.

Bavarian evening

On a round trip through the alps, the sisters could see the beautiful landscape
 and other remarkable places like here Linderhof.

One day was reserved for a visit to St. Ottilien, 
the place where our congregation had its beginning after a short time in Reichenbach and where our Founder Fr. Andreas Amrhein was laid to rest.

at the cemetery with the tomb of Fr. Andreas Amrhein

Holy Mass in the St. Ottilia chapel

View to St. Katharina, where our sisters lived before moving the motherhouse to Tutzing

Thank you for this beautiful and rich time in Tutzing!


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