Renewal of Vows of Sr. Neema

On Friday May 12 during midday prayer, 

Sr. Neema Adyuti Mkolokoti of the Ndanda Priory 
renewed her vows for two more years.

She committed herself to follow Christ in religious community,
to obedience according to the Rule of Benedict and our Constitutions,
and to stability in our Congregation.

The profession card was signed by M. Maoro Sye and Sr. Neema.

All participants of the International Weeks of Encounter,
25 sisters from all over the world
and Casa Community members were witnesses.

In his gratuitous love Jesus Christ has called us
to follow him in religious life.
Responding to the call we set out in faith
to walk his way under his guidance.

God seals our wholehearted surrender in religious profession.
(Constituions II,1)

May the Holy Spirit lead Sr. Neema to the perfection of love in Jesus Christ!

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