IWE (International Weeks of Encounter) 2023

We thank God that after more than 3 years of break because of the pandemic
we can hold again our International Weeks of Encounter.


On April 20, after all 25 participants had safely arrived, 
the International Weeks of Encounter was opened.
It started with entrance procession of Holy Mass in the morning.

The participants representing their country of origin followed the cross and the dancing junior sisters.

They placed the flag of their respective country in front of the altar,
thinking of and praying for all they have left at home.

After common breakfast, there was the opening liturgy 
prepared by our Vicaress Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca.

In procession all participants moved from the main chapel to the hall.
The shoes were removed as they entered "holy ground".

Through a video they were reminded of the foremothers, 
pioneer sisters of our Congregation,
who lived through difficulties and sacrifices and gave their lives
for God's kingdom.

We are called to walk in their footsteps.

Each sister offered her footsteps on the common path
which leads to the center.

M. Maoro gave her opening address reminding
that we are pilgrims in this city of Rome
touching holy ground treaded by the Saints.
Being in the center of the Catholic Church, we are called to journey together with her
on the synodal path.

Through translation into Portuguese and Korean all sisters could follow.

After a break, sisters met in their language groups for orientation.

Portuguese group

English group 1

English group 2

In the evening recreation the Casa Community 
welcomed the sisters with songs.

IWE participants introduced their fellow sisters to the Casa Community.

It was challenging to introduce sisters, one had just met the same day...

and it was fun to overcome the language barrier by letting the heart speak...

English group 1 with M. Maoro

English group 2 with M. Maoro

Portuguese group with M. Maoro

Korean group

All participants with the generalate and translators

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