Good Friday

Jesus Christ took upon himself suffering, cross and death for our sake;
out of love for us
and in total surrender to the Father's will.
Through his suffering, death and resurrection we are saved. 

We worship you, Lord.
We venerate your Cross.
We praise your resurrection.
Through the Cross you brought joy to the world.

Our day on Holy Friday starts with the office of readings.
Readings from the book of Lamentations are sung by single sisters.

During the morning we pray together the stations of the cross,
following Jesus on his way to Calvary. 
In our prayer we include all people, who suffer intensely during these days.
And we pray for ourselves that we can accept the hardships of our lives 
as partaking in the cross and redemptive work of Jesus Christ. 

In the afternoon we celebrate the Passion of the Lord.

We listen and participate with our voices in the passion account from the gospel according to John.

We venerate the Cross,
which from a cruel instrument of torture and death
changed to be the tree of life.

For the word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing,
but to us, who are being saved, 
it is the power of God.
1 Cor 1: 18


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