Ash Wednesday

Remember that you are dust,
and into dust you shall return.

Every year we are reminded that we are dust,
fragile, mortal, small.

Fr. Leonardo pointed out the three features of ashes:
It is light - we are called to be light, easily to be moved by the blow of the Spirit.
It is used as fertiliser in the fields - we are called to facilitate growth of others, not our own.
It purifies - let God be the one who purifies us during this Lenten season.

In her Lenten Conference, Sr. Lumen Gloria took up a letter to the Corinthians by Pope Clemens I, pope and martyr from the office of readings of the day.
Throughout salvation history, God always have offered the opportunity of repentance. 
When Noah preached repentance, those who listened to him, were saved through the ark.
When Jonah told the Ninevites that they were going to be destroyed, they repented and were saved.
God wants us to repent and live.
As I live, says the Lord, I do not wish the death of the sinner but his repentance.
Therefore, we should be humble in mind, putting aside all arrogance, pride and foolish anger.
The wise man must not glory in his wisdom nor the strong man in his strength 
nor the rich man in his riches. 
Rather, let him who glories glory in the Lord by seeking him and doing what is right and just.

After the Lenten Conference, each sister received a book of the bible to be read by her during the Lenten season, as Benedict recommends in his rule:
In these days of Lent they shall each receive a book from the library, which they shall read straight through from the beginning. These books are to be given out at the beginning of Lent. (RB 48: 15-16)

May God guide us in this Lenten journey,
and with joy and spiritual longing let us look forward to holy Easter!

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