Closing of the Season of Creation

On October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Season of Creation came to a close. 

In the Casa community we united with the whole world in this season of prayer for the creation. 

We closed the season the season of creation with a renewal chapter asking God and our brothers and sisters for forgiveness that oftentimes we have failed to consider the concerns of our common home. 

We know that nature does not need us, but we need nature to survive and to live good lives,

yet often we are not aware...

We want to learn from St. Francis, who saw in the sun his brother, his sister in the moon,
who talked to them and sang to them his hymns.

Mother Nature

Mother Nature, 

for the times 

we have disregarded you, 

we are sorry!

Creator God, 

hear us and heal us.  


for treating you like dirt, 

we are sorry!

Creator God, 

hear us and heal us.  


for taking you for granted,

we are sorry.

 Creator God, 

hear us and heal us. 

Creator god, Breathe upon us. 

Open our ears and move our hearts. 

Teach us to contemplate your creation on the verge of total destruction because of our abuse and misuse. 

Help us to do our little share for the healing of creation consistently and regularly, following the way of christ, to walk lightly upon this holy ground.


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