Blessing of Convent in / Bulgaria

After many years of reconstruction the convent building in Zarevbrod could be blessed on September 17. Holy Mass was celebrated in the garden presided by Bishop of Nikopolis, Monsignore Strahil Kavalenov, concelebrated by many priests from all over the country with the participation of around 200 people from near and far. Afterwards the Bishop blessed the rooms in the newly renovated  building. We are grateful for a successful completion.

Until Holy Mass could start, a group played traditional Bulgarian music.

Bishop Strahil Kavalenov during the celebration of Holy Mass

At the end of mass, Sr. Regina Tesch thanked 
in the name of M. Maoro Sye and the whole Generalate 
all who contributed to the successful completion, 
especially the constructor M. Dimitrov.

After lunch all expressed their joy in the traditional Bulgarian round dances.

After holy mass the Bishop accompanied by the priests and sisters 
went to bless the convent building.

Blessing each of the rooms accompanied by Sr. Abraham and Sr. Regina

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