Visitation in Olinda Priory / Brazil Ongoing ( August 12 ~

 On Friday, August 12 the visitation was officially opened in Olinda Priory House by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca, Vicaress General, assisted by Sr. Vania Maria Toscano, General Councillor.

Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca during the opening conference

Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca and Sr. Vania Maria Toscano

First Group Workshop in Olinda Priory House

From August 16 - 19, vitiators visited the community of Colégio Imaculado Coração de Maria in Olinda.

at their arrival

with the community

in the school Colégio Imaculado Coração de Maria
Visit to the Mizael Social Center 

Second Workshop of the Visitation in Olinda

Community in Caruaru

Community in Buique

Community in Barbalha

Back in Olinda visit to the school St. Gertrud

Community in Recife

The visitation was closed in the Olinda Priory House on September 10.

Priory House Community

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