July 11, Solemnity of St. Benedict

 Happy Feast Day of StBenedict

We celebrated the Solemnity of St. Benedict on Monday, July 11 

Life of St. Benedict 


 Life of St. Benedict 

according to the dialogues of St. Gregory,

with tapestry images made by our Sr. Liobgitha Weis, OSB

Benedict receives the monastic habit.

The devil breaks the bell rope.

Benedict gives back to the Goth the sickle fallen into the water.

Benedict removes the stone on which the devil is sitting.

Mauro saves Placido who has fallen into the river.

The wonderful multiplication of oil.

The monk spirit flee from the dragon.

Benedict's last conversation with his sister Scholastica.

Benedict writes the Rule and the soul of Scholastica in the form of a dove ascends to heaven.

Mount of San Benedetto.

Have a blessed feast day! St. Benedict, pray for us!

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