SR. KONRADA (Hermine Theresia) SCHLICKER , OSB



Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you,

I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1

Our dear

SR.  KONRADA (Hermine Theresia) SCHLICKER , OSB

 was called home to God

on  August 14, 2021 in Tutzing.

She was born on  January 28, 1927 in  Neuötting, Germany, Diocese of Passau.

She offered herself to God through  Temporary Profession  on April 21, 1954 in Bernried and   Perpetual Profession on April 23, 1957  in Tutzing. 

Her service as a Missionary Benedictine Sister was given in  the Priory of  Tutzing.

We recommend our deceased Sister to your prayer.

Rome, August 14, 2021

May she rest in peace.

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