Video meeting during the Covid-19 Pandemic


On-line community assembly

The whole community had an Untact Video Conference monday evening of May 3rd in order to discuss the reconstruction plan of Sangji Retreat House. 

After the report of Sr. Illumina, the whole community members shared their opinions.

Cenacle, LAN cable vocation meeting

At 10:00 a.m. every Sunday Morning, during the month of July and August, the Cenacle, LAN cable vocation meeting was conducted (zoom). 

Young people who opened the Bible and read "for where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." (Mt.18,20) invited Jesus to come in among them with a short prayer. 

They support each other. During the time of picture language, they shared their inner side with the pictures they took. It helped to open a space of discernment for each other. 

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