The first World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly


Pope: Grandparents, elderly are bread that nourishes our life

In his homily on the first World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, Pope Francis insists on the importance of young and old coming together in a covenantal sharing of life. Read more here.

On January 31, 2021, Pope Francis announced a new celebration in honour of all grandparents and the elderly, who are so important to our communities and our Church. This new World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated every year on the fourth Sunday in July. 

Pope Francis has also granted a plenary indulgence to grandparents, the elderly, and all those who participate in a solemn celebration of this day as well as to those who spend time (actually or virtually) with an elderly brother or sister in need on this day. Read more here.

Pope at Angelus: Share and God will multiply your gifts

At the Sunday Angelus Pope Francis explains the “logic of smallness and giving” and how the Lord calls each one of us to give generously to help our brothers and sisters. Giving and sharing “increases love and allows God to perform wonders”. Read more here.
Prayer for the First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly -Prayer


I thank You, Lord, for the comfort of Your presence: even in times of loneliness, You are my hope and my confidence, You have been my rock and my fortress since my youth! I thank You for having given me a family and for having blessed me with a long life. I thank You for moments of joy and difficulty, for the dreams that have already come true in my life and for those that are still ahead of me. I thank You for this time of renewed fruitfulness to which You call me.

Increase, O Lord, my faith, make me a channel of your peace, teach me to embrace those who suffer more than me, to never stop dreaming and to tell of your wonders to new generations.

Protect and guide Pope Francis and the Church, that the light of the Gospel might reach the ends of the earth. Send Your Spirit, O Lord, to renew the world, that the storm of the pandemic might be calmed, the poor consoled and wars ended.

Sustain me in weakness and help me to live life to the full in each moment that You give me, in the certainty that you are with me every day, even until the end of the age. Amen. 

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