Final Profession of Sr. Nadya Petrova Ruzhina

On the Solemnity of St. Benedict, Patron of Europe, Sr. Nadya Ruzhina had her final profession in Tutzing / Germany. Coming from Bulgaria she had her monastic, spiritual and professional formation in Germany being part of Tutzing Priory. 

After calling on the Saints in the litany, Sr. Nadya read and signed her profession card promising to follow Christ in religious community, stability in the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, and obedience according to the Rule of St. Benedict and our Constitutions for her whole life.

She sang the "Suscipe" three times in German and Bulgarian language expressing her trust in God and her surrender to His will. 

Sr. Ruth Schönenberger, Prioress of Tutzing, gave her the ring as a sign of fidelity.

The mission cross handed over to her symbolizes the readiness to serve wherever sent and to persevere even in difficult time.

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